Web scripts
''Virtual breed database''
Copyright ©, 2004-2025 Y.Semenov
All rights reserved.
| A·B·C·D·E·F·G·H·I·J·K·L·M·N·O·P·Q·R·S·T·U·V·W·X·Y·Z·А·Б·В·Г·Д·Е·Ж·З·И·Й·К·Л·М·Н·О·П·Р·С·Т·У·Ф·Х·Ц·Ч·Ш·Щ·Э·Ю·Я |
![](/img/pixel.gif) | ВЫБЕРИТЕ СОБАКУ В СПИСКЕ | ![](/img/pixel.gif) | ![](/img/pixel.gif) | Всего собак в результате: 126 | ![](/img/pixel.gif) | ![](/img/pixel.gif) | ![](/img/pixel.gif) |
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Свет Очей От Бумаже |
14.05.2019 |
АРТ КАРНИ СТАЙЛИШ ВИДЖЕТ x Гармония из Замка Ротбульсильон |
Кобель |
![](/img/nopic.jpg) |
Севенти Севен Баракуда |
03.01.2006 |
Majomas Martell x Воздушная Принцесса Васена |
Кобель |
Champion of Russia , Junior Champion of Russia |
![](/showphoto.php?id=24&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Дольче Вита, RKF230555 |
25.01.2008 |
High Castle`s Mark of Nobility x Севенти Севен Ринг Оф Квин |
Сука |
Champion of Eurasia , Inter Champion , 3 x Club Champion
, Junior Club Champion , Grand Champion of Russia , ... |
PLL: Carrier |
![](/showphoto.php?id=372&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Иллюжн |
16.10.2010 |
Севенти Севен Имидж x High Castle`s Petit Chablis |
Сука |
Junior Terrier-Union Champion , Junior Club Champion , Junior Champion of Russia |
PLL: Clear |
![](/showphoto.php?id=73&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Имидж |
28.07.2006 |
Jip x Севенти Севен Роуз Липс |
Кобель |
Inter Champion , Terrier-Union Champion , Baltic Champion , Champion of Belarus , Champion of Estonia , ... |
PLL: Clear |
![](/showphoto.php?id=54&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Импульс |
28.07.2006 |
Jip x Севенти Севен Роуз Липс |
Сука |
Champion of Slovakia , Champion of the Czech Republic , Junior Champion of the Czech Republic |
PLL: Clear |
![](/showphoto.php?id=387&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Лаки Герл |
20.07.2004 |
Eleighwater Romolo Of Blackthorpe x Воздушная Принцесса Васена |
Сука |
Champion of Finland , Champion of Georgia , Champion of Moldova , Champion of Russia , Champion of Ukraine , ... |
![](/showphoto.php?id=714&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Лет Ит Би, РКФ 1593431 |
20.07.2004 |
Eleighwater Romolo Of Blackthorpe x Воздушная Принцесса Васена |
Сука |
![](/showphoto.php?id=40&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Лив Спринг |
20.07.2004 |
Eleighwater Romolo Of Blackthorpe x Воздушная Принцесса Васена |
Сука |
Terrier-Union Champion , Champion of Belarus , Champion of Moldova , Champion of Russia , Champion of Ukraine , ... |
![](/showphoto.php?id=3&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Монмаренси, RKF 1947935 |
04.08.2006 |
Jip x Скайлайнс Джуси Фрут |
Кобель |
Club Champion , Grand Champion of Russia , Champion of Russia , Junior Champion of Russia , RKF Champion |
PLL: Clear |
![](/showphoto.php?id=378&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Раби Стар |
27.12.2003 |
Eleighwater Romolo Of Blackthorpe x Веселая Проказница Веруня |
Сука |
Inter Champion , Club Champion , Terrier-Union Champion , Grand Champion of Russia , Champion of Russia , ... |
![](/showphoto.php?id=2865&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Револьвер, RKF 3148565 |
01.08.2011 |
High Castle`s Baron Fuente x Севенти Севен Кимпосибл |
Кобель |
Champion of Kazakhstan , Champion of Kyrgyzstan , Champion of Russia , Junior Champion of Russia , SKK Champion (kaz) |
PLL: Clear |
![](/showphoto.php?id=386&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Тау Онли Ю, РКФ 1882007 |
16.02.2006 |
Majomas Martell x Севенти Севен Лаки Герл |
Кобель |
Veteran World Winner , Inter Champion , Club Champion , Grand Champion of Russia , Baltic Champion , ... |
PLL: Clear |
![](/showphoto.php?id=50&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Твист Стар, RKF2797195 |
14.05.2010 |
Vinevalley`s Asdrubal x Севенти Севен Дольче Вита |
Сука |
Champion of Russia , Champion of Ukraine , Junior Champion of France , Junior Champion of Russia , Junior Champion of Ukraine |
PLL: Carrier |
![](/showphoto.php?id=49&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Тикет Хэппинес |
14.05.2010 |
Vinevalley`s Asdrubal x Севенти Севен Дольче Вита |
Кобель |
2 x Champion of Eurasia
, Inter Champion , 2 x Club Champion
, Junior Terrier-Union Champion , Grand Champion of Belarus , ... |
PLL: Carrier |
![](/showphoto.php?id=51&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Тип-Топ Бой, РКФ2797193 |
14.05.2010 |
Vinevalley`s Asdrubal x Севенти Севен Дольче Вита |
Кобель |
Inter Champion , Club Champion , Champion of Estonia , Champion of Finland , Champion of Latvia , ... |
PLL: Carrier |
![](/showphoto.php?id=27&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Уна Домини |
14.10.2009 |
High Castle`s Lotus x Saskatoon First Touch |
Сука |
Champion of Eurasia , Veteran World Winner 2018, Inter Champion , 2 x Club Champion
, Terrier-Union Champion , ... |
PLL: Carrier |
![](/showphoto.php?id=652&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Фортуна Альбаросси`к |
16.06.2008 |
High Castle`s Lotus x Afrodita Baltic Beauty For Seventy Seven |
Сука |
Inter Champion , Champion of Lithuania , Champion of Russia , Champion of Ukraine , Junior Champion of Belarus |
![](/showphoto.php?id=355&n=0&s=80) |
Севенти Севен Хайлайт, РКФ 1865349 |
03.01.2006 |
Aqua-stone Living Legend x Веселая Проказница Веруня |
Сука |
Club Champion , Junior Terrier-Union Champion , Junior Club Champion , Grand Champion of Russia , Champion of Russia , ... |
PLL: Clear |
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